I have known for a while now that I am going to have to have a c-section. Our sweet baby girl is breech, she is baby A and in order to even try for a natural birth baby A must be head down. I have been grieving this news from the moment I heard c-section. I have had three natural births, so this is a big change for me. However, the blessing in this, as explained by my doctor, is that when baby girl turned breech she was no longer engaged in the birth canal thus preventing the pre-term labor I had been trying to ward off. So even though I am sad about a c-section, I see God's hand in all of this, and I am grateful that He has allowed me to carry the babies this long.
After Dr. Young looked at several dates, and we we discussed risks vs benefits of delivering at different times, he decided that...
March 22, 2010 at 12:30pm will be when we get to meet these sweet babies!
We'll keep you posted!