Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day Mama...

I wish I could tell you Happy Mother's Day in person....I miss you, I ache to hear your voice, to see your day...I love you.

Stars in Sky Mamo,

Lally Lou


The Girl Who Didn't Iron said...

Such strength and beauty in these two women. How blessed I am to have each of you in my life. I feel so safe knowing you're on my side, and your Mama is looking out for me from above. Love you both more than there are stars in the sky.

The Bearded Lady (Laura) said...

I was SO very touched by this!!! Precious!! I never knew your sweet Mama but I know from you that I love her. What a blessing you were to each other!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful - I know it's a bitter sweet day for you. Love you!! Happy Mother's Day!

Jenny Smucker said...

I miss my An'Delay, too. Funny how I can still hear her voice and her laughter. (Both of which I will always love!) Sometimes I think of something I want to tell her, then remember I can't. I'm so thankful that she was a good Mama for you, and a good Aunt for me. I love you, Abby!